Thursday Evening Link Roundup

Thu, Mar 26, 2009


Palm Pre not going to be sold at Best Buy?PreCentral (Palm is bleeding money, and they desperately need the Pre to be a runaway hit.  Palm should do everything it can to get it into as many retail locations as possible, Sprint be damned!)

John Carmack on porting Wolfenstein over to the iPhoneid Software

Ridiculous Rescuecom Statistics Create Apple Reliability HeadlinesRoughly Drafted

Apple and Adobe: The Odd CoupleE-Commerce Times

App Store refunds: Much ado about nothing CNET

Apple to sell laptops in the UK with mobile broadband dongles? – Mobile

UK iPhone owners consume tons of data with their iPhonesReuters

BlackBerry to Launch TV Episode Service?Newteevee (Seems like an honest effort by RIM, but who wants to pay money on a subscription basis for the ability to download and watch TV shows on your BlackBerry.  Especially when those downloads only work over a Wi-Fi connection.


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