iPhone OS 3.1 update adds “copy and paste” to the phone app

Thu, Sep 10, 2009


There aren’t a whole lot of new features in the new iPhone OS 3.1 update, but one of the niftier tweaks we’ve come across is the addition of “Copy and Paste” to the iPhone dialer.  This is how it works – Once you’ve copied a phone number, from an email let’s say, all you have to do is open up the phone app and tap and hold the input area.  Once you do that, the copy paste menu will pop up and you can then proceed to paste the number into the dialer.  The iPhone also has the ability to turn alphanumeric text into phone numbers (i.e pasting 1-800-CleanUp will dial the corresponding phone number).



2 Comments For This Post

  1. kris Says:

    And now you can copy a contacts name while viewing it in the Info page, copy phone number from the contact page, and email address.

    Basically you can copy from more places now. Before when you tap and hold on a phone number or email address, it tries to call or email the person.

  2. choco Says:

    And this feature is pretty crappy. Once you paste it, you cannot edit the number to add a country code or the + sign. Do these features not get tested out internationally being implemented?

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