Customers leave hilarious comments on iTunes for Tiger Woods’ PGA Golf app

Thu, Dec 17, 2009


I’ve already lost count of how many women have come out and recounted their stories of hooking up with Tiger Woods, though I think by now it’s at least up to 11.  In the wake of Tiger’s indiscretions, though, a number of big name advertisers have decided cut ties with the talented golfer, including Gatorade and Accenture.  But one company that hasn’t made any moves to part ways with Tiger is EA Sports, and as luck would have it, Tiger’s name and image both happen to grace one of the more popular games for the iPhone – Tiger Woods PGA Tour.

So on a whim, I decided to check out some of the user reviews of the app, and much to my delight, found a number of hilarious app reviews which poke some fun at the saga that has become Tiger Woods’ love life. Below are some of the best.

The above reads, “Great update, but cannot drive the Escalade or spend time with women so 3 stars…”  I couldn’t agree more PDark.  Maybe what EA needs to do is develop a crossover app and somehow mesh the Tiger Woods golf game with one of their racing titles, say, Need For Speed Undercover.  What an appropriate racing title for a Tiger Woods based driving game!

This one’s hard to make out, but reads, “Great game but there’s one weird bug. Whenever I’m losing badly, Tiger Woods tells me that I’m wasting his time and hes got to meet up with some chick.  Also sometimes, a blonde lady chases me with a golf club on the course and it makes it very hard to concentrate.  Otherwise, this game is spot on!”

Bug? I think not. More like a kick-ass easter egg!

Moving on, here are some others:

“Great game, but when I hit a bad drive, Tiger hits me with his car. I think it’s a glitch so game needs an update… Tiger is a bad driver on and off the course lol”

That Tiger sure is a vengeful SOB.

One reviewer made no effort to hide his support for Tiger Woods – “Who would’ve known Tiger was a playa on n off the green.  Not many guys can bang a model n then get any other women they want. Had to be worth getting clubbed.”

This next one is pretty dope.

Gotta give props to EA for loading their game with extras.

And lastly, check out these.

“This game is good. i got it to support Tiger Woods. Keep pimpin’ playa! What you do in your personal life thats all you. Player keep pimpin’ good game ever one should get it two thumbs up.”

“This update is more stable than his personal life is…”

“Was kinda hoping the new update was going to have a demolition derby mode with a Cadillac.”

“I bought this app because I know that 50% of it will be going to his wife! Go get em Elin!”

Now if only all app reviews included scathing and hilarious commentary on current events in pop culture, app downloads would go through the roof!


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