How to write about Apple when you actually know nothing – Bloomberg Style!

Mon, Feb 2, 2009


Take a look at this recent article from Bloomberg. It’s basically an amalgamation of random sound bites jumbled together in a failed attempt to cover the potential for a patent dispute between Apple and Palm.

The title of the article is “Apple May Use ‘Nuclear Arsenal’ to Delay IPhone Rival”, and the authors show a clear and fundamental lack of understanding as to what Apple’s multitouch patent actually covers.  This is somewhat surprising given that the issue was prominently discussed last week by Engadget and a number of other sites.  There’s no point in getting into the nitty gritty of Bloomberg’s lackluster article, but it’s worth observing that when you really have nothing of interest to say, it makes sense to resort to sensationalist titles that equate a multitouch patent with a Nuclear Arsenal.


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