Steve Jobs to cooperate on upcoming biography about his life

Tue, Feb 16, 2010


Well it’s the moment Apple fans have been waiting for for years now, and no, we’re not talking about Copeland. Brad Stone of the New York Times is reporting that Steve Jobs has decided to cooperate with the writing of an authorized biography about his life growing up in Silicon Valley all the way up to the present day.

Ever since Apple became a household name, a number of authors have attempted to tell the tale of Apple and its founding fathers. More often than not, these efforts were met with outright hostility and anger from Jobs who would always find something to pick a bone with. Famously, Jobs went so far as to ban all publications from the publishing house of John Wiley & Sons from Apple retail stores in response to their publishing of an unauthorized portrait of Jobs titled iCon: Steve Jobs.

Jobs’ authorized biography will reportedly be penned by Walter Isaacson, a former managing editor from Time Magazine who now works for a nonprofit education organization out of Washington.

[Isaacson] is the author of two best-selling biographies, “Einstein: His Life and Universe” and “Benjamin Franklin: An American Life.” He also wrote “American Sketches: Great Leaders, Creative Thinkers, and Heroes of a Hurricane,” a collection of essays written last year delving into the roots of great leadership. All of his books have been published by Simon & Schuster.


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