Extensive list of uncovered iPhone OS 3.0 features

Thu, Jun 18, 2009


A forum poster over at MacRumors has compiled an extensive and interesting list detailing many of the small, yet significant, tweaks Apple has unceremoniously added into the new iPhone OS 3.O update.

Here are a few highlights:

• You can now add 20 places to weather (found by jinjo235)

• there is no limit to the number of apps that can be installed (beside storage space). once you reach the home screen limit, apps installed after that are installed without an icon but can be accessed in spotlight. below 67 of the 203 apps are not shown on the home screen. you can also use this to hide any apple application (i.e. weather and stocks) (found by The General)

• Messages has a new icon (found by jinjo235)

• Unknown incoming calls show the location of the call (found by jinjo235)

• if you start a movie/tv show on wifi. and go off the wifi network. itll finish over 3g. (found by furtherout)

• When logging on to a secure website the Name of the site turns green and has a lock on it. (found by TSX)

• international keyboards are now more accurate (found by HPRK)

• App store reviews no longer default to 1-star ratings – they now default to no rating and require you to choose one (found by Canuckk)

• Time elapsed and time remaining in songs, podcasts, etc. are now always displayed in double digits. For example it will display -02:45 instead of -2:45. (found by MacGeekDC)

You can check out the full list, which now comes in at over 100 entries, over here.


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