Microsoft to hold special media event on April 12

Wed, Apr 7, 2010


Not to be outdone by the hype machine that is the iPad, which was soon followed by word that Apple would preview the next iteration of the iPhone OS on April 8, Microsoft sent out invitations on Monday morning touting its own special media event that will reportedly center on Pink phones.

What the hell is a Pink phone, you ask?

Well, Pink is supposedly Microsoft’s hardware answer to high-end smartphones like the iPhone. Rumor has it that phones developed under the Pink umbrella will be Microsoft branded and slider based (though manufactured by a third party) and will attempt to bring sexy back to Microsoft, if possible. Some rumored features include music subscriptions and an online video store.

The two phones Microsoft is expected to showcase are codenamed “Pure” and “Turtle”. Perplexingly, though, Ina Fried of CNET writes that they aren’t “likely to run programs written for either current crop of Windows Phones or those written for Windows Phone 7.” Meanwhile, Microsoft pundit Paul Thurrot writes that Microsoft’s Pink phone initiative is a first step in their plan to launch a “new side business, basically a texting/social networking phone platform for teenagers.”

Yeah, good luck with that.

via Engadget



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