Lynn Fox, former head of PR at Apple and Palm, will not continue on at HP

Sat, Jun 26, 2010


Hewlett Packard spiced things up in the tech world not too long ago when it purchased Palm for $1.2 billion. At the core of HP’s decision to splurge was Palm’s heralded WebOS, which HP plans to put on a tablet of some sort in the near future.

In the wake of the acquisition, a number of important behind-the-scenes type folks involved in the original Palm Pre decided not stick around at HP, and subsequently jumped ship for other opportunities. First, Matias Duarte, the interface virtuoso behind WebOS, up and left for Google. Next, Rich Delliger, who designed the sleek and unobtrusive notification system in WebOS, decided to head over to Apple where he had previously worked before as a web designer.

And now, another former Apple employee, of which Palm had quite a few, has decided not to stay on at HP. Palm’s former VP of Public Relations, Lynn Fox, left HP earlier this week after declining an opportunity to join the company after the acquisition. Fox had previously served as Apple’s director of Mac PR from 2006 to 2008 and before that, as Apple’s director of Corporate PR from 2000 to 2004.

But as opposed to the two aforementioned fellows, Fox still isn’t sure where she might end up. Her Facebook page indicates that her current employer is “Consult Until-I-Find-Another-Job-Consulting, LTD.” We like it.

And in case her name happens to sound a smidge familiar, you might remember Lynn Fox as being tangentially involved in the whole Palm Pre/iTunes syncing back-and-forth back in 2009.

via MobileCrunch



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