Camera + app allowed back into iTunes after 4 month hiatus

Wed, Dec 22, 2010


This past August, Apple removed an iPhone app called Camera + from iTunes after the apps developers attempted to get around Apple’s app store guidelines by adding a hidden feature wherein users could take photos with the iPhone’s volume keys. Notably, a previous iteration of the app with the same functionality, albeit overt, had previously been rejected by Apple.

At the time of the initial banning we wrote:

Apple’s rationale for the initial rejection was that the feature was liable to confuse users. Undeterred, the developers behind the app (taptaptap) implemented an easter egg wherein the feature could be unlocked by visiting a mobile Safari URL. Not surprisingly, Apple doesn’t take too kindly to folks who try and circumvent app store reviewers.

Apple, though, isn’t opposed to Easter Eggs out of hand. Rather, they merely require developers to inform Apple’s app review team prior to public release. Before being removed from iTunes, Camera + amassed over $500,000 in profits.

And now, 4 months later, it’s back in the app store, sans the easter egg, but with 50 new features. Apparently TapTapTap – the developers behind the app – put their time outside of iTunes to good use.


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