Evernote Peek meshes clever software with Apple’s Smart Cover

Thu, Jun 9, 2011


Talk about clever. Evernote has a new learning app out that makes use of Apple’s iPad 2 smart cover. So smart.

The app, which is free by the way, is called Evernote Peek and designed as a handy dandy little study tool.

Once you’ve connected Peek to your Evernote account and selected your study materials, you simply close the Smart Cover and peek under it to see a clue. Raise the cover further to reveal the answer. To advance to the next clue, just close the cover and repeat.

With Evernote, users can create their own quizzes and study guides and mark down how they did as they go along. The app will even keep track of your progress.

“Use Peek to brush up on a language, prepare for a test or remember a recipe,” Evernote writes on its website. “Want to keep track of people you met at a conference? Put their names into the note title and company into the note body in Evernote, then quiz yourself in Peek. Going on a trip? Make a notebook of the places you’re visiting with some information about each location, then go through it in Peek. The possibilities for this app are endless.”

Can’t say we disagree.

via Evernote



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