When it comes to copying, Samsung has a long and storied history

Tue, Aug 14, 2012


iMore has an interesting post up detailing how Samsung deciding to copy a market leader isn’t really all that new.

No one can look at Samsung’s mobile products over the last decade and not consider them anything other than a ruthless, relentless copy of everything popular that’s came before. It’s not that Samsung doesn’t continuously push the limits of hardware specifications and capabilities as much if not more than anyone else. They do. But they do so by systematically, institutionally copying what other vendors have already done first.

Samsung does it to such a degree, and with such a consistency, that it’s flabbergasting they can show up in court, swear an oath, and claim anything otherwise. Now they could claim it doesn’t matter, that all phones and tablets and icons should look alike, and would be understandable as a strategy. But claiming they don’t copy? Absurd.

Indeed, you might recall a little product called the Samsung BlackJack which not only sounded similar to BlackBerry, but looked remarkably similar as well. Oh, and whadya’know, RIM actually sued Samsung as a result, forcing them to change the name in the process – though the design was kept as-is.

And while there are no shortage of photos detailing the extent to which Samsung copied the iPhone, here are some you may not have seen before.

Absolutely shameless.

Even if you can rationalize “a black slab is a black slab” it’s impossible to rationalize “a yellow flower on blue background icon for photos is a yellow flower icon on blue background for photos”, or “the shape of AC adapters, dock cables, and desktop computers are…” well, you get the idea. Even if you can dismiss individual instances as coincidences, when taken as a whole, it’s impossible to dismiss the depths of Samsung’s unoriginality as anything other than blatant, bold-faced copying.



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