Tina Fey uses a MacBook Pro

Fri, Dec 12, 2008


Yes yes, it’s a slow news day, but there was some prominent Apple product placement on last night’s episode of 30 Rock.  When Liz Lemon is talking to Toofer and Jack, we see that she does all her comedy writing on a MacBook Pro.  We’ve written earlier about Apple product placement on some of TV’s biggest hit shows, and Apple definitely seems to have a particularly strong relationship with NBC as you can see a strong Apple presence on shows such as The Office, Heroes, and Chuck.

Related: The Significance of Apple Product Placement


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2 Comments For This Post

  1. Daphna Says:

    Vanity Fair recently did a feature on Tina Fey. The writer opened the piece by describing what you could find in her Upper West Side apartment, including: a lavender exercise ball, flat-screen TV, pink tricycle, black grand piano, golden award statuette, and last, but certainly not least, a silver Mac laptop sitting on Tina Fey’s kitchen counter that shes uses to work on her scripts for 30 Rock.

    An article worth checking out if you’re a fan (of Tina Fey, not necessarily of Apple): http://www.vanityfair.com/magazine/2009/01/tina_fey200901

  2. Gabe Waggoner Says:

    Ha! I read that article in the hard copy a few days ago. Having been considering a Macbook, I of course decided for sure once I read that Fey uses one.

    Something I’m unsure of: how can one visually distinguish a Macbook from a Macbook Pro? My fanboy logic says I must buy whatever Fey uses, but as a writer–editor myself, I can’t really justify buying a Pro. The Macbook would do everything I need.

    Good times for all!


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