Settlement reached in Apple Store disability lawsuit

Tue, Feb 17, 2009

Legal, News

ifoAppleStore reports:

The attorneys for two disabled Oakland (Calif.) women have reached a settlement with Apple Inc. over their lawsuit alleging the San Francisco store is not accessible to persons in wheelchairs. Apple denied any liability for the women’s claims, but did agree to a three-page list of changes to the store. Both sides agreed to a separate, confidential agreement on damages, attorney fees and other expenses. Jana Overbo and Nicole Brown-Booker filed the lawsuit in August, 2007 after they visited the store and found the aisles too narrow to navigate, merchandise too high to reach, and a Genius Bar staff that did not accommodate them. In the settlement signed last Friday, Apple agreed to adjust the front door opening pressure, install a corridor handrail, make changes to the first-floor public restroom, and install Braille signage adjacent to each elevator landing.

You can check out the full scoop over here.



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